California Secretary of State Customer Service Issues
Archive 1
The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about California Secretary of State customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 3 issue(s) reported July 4, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I'm seeking assistance in obtaining California Secretary of State property records to address a forgery issue with the deeds to my home. I've been unable to locate the proper channels online for property records or the public record request division. The address and phone number provided seem suspect, potentially linked to real estate fraud, leaving many homeowners unable to access deed information. Even the Los Angeles office refers individuals to unhelpful contacts regarding deed inquiries. These false leads are troubling. Please verify by searching and contacting for deeds related to properties at [redacted] Newton Street, Torrance, CA [redacted], or [redacted] Via Canada, Palos Verdes, CA [redacted]. One of the properties may not be visible on Google Maps but can be found on other mapping services. It seems like Google has been compromised in providing California state-level property record assistance. Meanwhile, the email address to reach me is fictitious. Your attention to investigating and possibly alerting Google about this issue is appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman3193120 on गुरूवार, ४ जुलाई २०१९, सुबह ४:४३ बजे
After Dawn Heywood's passing, the Deed for the house in Torrance was stolen and my name was altered. The county recorder's office has fraudulent documents in their possession. The Land Department has issued a fraud alert on the property. I have been trying to retrieve my lost Deed since [redacted]. Despite submitting a public record request form through an online platform for Business Entities and sending a money order, I have not received any response. A trip to Sacramento last year led me to the Board of Equalization office at [redacted] N St, which turned out to be inaccessible with no public entry. Visiting the Los Angeles Secretary of State's office only resulted in being directed to call a corporate fraud number, which proved unhelpful. The City Clerk mentioned they only handle public places, not residential matters, which I found to be untrue. The lack of cooperation in obtaining public records is frustrating, and even reaching out to Google for assistance has been fruitless. It seems like a corrupt situation. I am considering visiting the building on Capital Drive and Lincoln to search for answers. If anyone wants to join me, please text me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-loregjan on शुक्रवार, ८ नवम्बर २०१९, सुबह ५:४५ बजे
As a Real Estate agent selling residential properties in California and Nevada, I operate as an S corporation registered in Nevada. Previously, I have allocated my California revenues on a Schedule S tax return without any issues. However, after switching brokers in California, the new broker insists that I need to register my corporation in California to receive commission payments. Can someone clarify if this is indeed required and what implications this may have?
Reported by GetHuman4068081 on सोमवार, ९ दिसम्बर २०१९, शाम ७:५६ बजे
Help me with my California Secretary of State issue