Nabisco, Inc. Customer Service Issues

Archive 5

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Nabisco, Inc. customer service, archive #5. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 1, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I wanted to share my love for your company and products, especially Oreos. I adore the cream filling in Oreos, and wondered if it's possible to receive some on its own. Alternatively, I would love to try various Oreo flavors. I appreciate your consideration. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kateprit on الأحد ١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٠:٤١
I purchased a package of Pinwheels at my local Walmart Grocery this week after a long time. I was disappointed by the change in the cookies. The soft marshmallow and thick chocolate coating that made them special seem to be missing now. The cookies feel like a cheap imitation compared to how they used to be. Despite being pricey, they were always worth it before. I doubt I will buy them again and feel it might be best if they were discontinued. I don't need a response, just needed to express my disappointment. The chocolate coating used to be thick, more like the Magnum ice cream bar. While I might still buy other Nabisco cookies, Pinwheels are off my shopping list.
Reported by GetHuman4062123 on الأحد ٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٥٣
Today, I visited Walmart and came across a display featuring your 12-pack cookies with peelie coupons offering $1 off. Excited about the deal, I picked up 4 boxes (originally 6, but had to put 2 back due to coupon issues). Despite my enthusiasm, I was let down at the checkout as the expired coupons (valid until 9/12/19) were not accepted. This disappointment has left me frustrated, especially since it's now December. It seems like a basic oversight to have expired coupons still attached to the boxes, causing confusion and inconvenience for customers like me. Walmart also was unable to honor the outdated coupons, adding to the frustration.
Reported by GetHuman3661658 on الأحد ٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٣:٠٧
Around a month ago, I reached out to Nabisco about the issue of burnt premium saltines. Over the span of about six weeks, I experienced this problem with three boxes. In response, Nabisco sent three coupons valued at up to $4.99 each as compensation. Recently, after purchasing a new box of saltines, I found that they were also burnt just like the previous three boxes. I have kept the burnt saltines and am willing to send them to have someone at Nabisco assess the quality issue. The saltines are not edible in this condition. - Jamie Fisher from New Lexington, Ohio.
Reported by GetHuman4070273 on الثلاثاء ١٠ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٠٢:٥٦
Subject: Information about Virginia Biodiesel Waste Management Services Dear Owners or Managers, My name is Jeff Moore with Virginia Biodiesel, and I am excited to introduce you to our oil collection services in your region! We are a local, family-owned waste management company focusing on collecting and recycling used cooking oil and brown grease waste. Our services include competitive rebate programs and outstanding customer service. We are committed to maintaining a clean environment around your waste bins and ensuring timely waste collection to prevent any disruptions. All collected oil is used in producing biofuels in our West Point, VA refinery. Our refinery transforms fats, oils, and greases into renewable diesel fuel for use in Virginia. For more details, please refer to the attached brochure. Feel free to reach out to me directly for any inquiries. We look forward to working together with you to fuel the future! Best regards, Jeff Jeffrey Moore Sales and Service Manager VA Biodiesel Oil Collection Division (C) [redacted] (O) [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman4085305 on الخميس ١٢ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٨:٢٩
I am disappointed with the recent changes to Honey Maid Nabisco Graham Crackers. I have been using them for pie crusts for a long time, but the increased amounts of white flour, sugar, and soy have altered the rich, wholesome taste I remember. The absence of whole wheat germ has lowered the nutritional value and made the crackers less appealing. The current product does not live up to the standards we grew up with. I feel like the essence of what made Graham Crackers great has been lost. I hope the company considers reverting to the original recipe for a more satisfying and nutritious product. The changes seem unnecessary and have compromised the quality. I cannot continue to use this altered version of Honey Maid. Let's bring back the wholesome and delicious Graham Crackers we all loved. The product packaging number is 44[redacted]8, made in Mexico. Sincerely, K. Bowman from Texas.
Reported by GetHuman-karmien on الأحد ١٥ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢١:٤٤
It's disappointing that Honey Maid graham crackers have changed their recipe, replacing key ingredients like Graham flour with soy and increasing the sugar content. The new crackers break easily, lack flavor, and do not hold up well when paired with other foods. Many agree that they no longer taste as good as they used to. Perhaps making your own at home could be a better option. It's frustrating that even in Mexico, where you enjoy being, they can't replicate the original Nabisco Honey Maid graham crackers. Consider joining the boycott to express dissatisfaction with these changes.
Reported by GetHuman-karmien on الجمعة ٢٠ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٨:١٢
I have been searching high and low for your Oreo Peppermint Bark Cookies in Southern California. I have checked Walmart, Walgreens, Target, Vons Grocery Store, and Stater Brothers Grocery Store. Are certain items only available in specific regions? Please advise on where I can buy these cookies before they are no longer available for the holiday season. The packaging says they are limited edition, but I am unable to locate them anywhere. Thank you, D. Deeter
Reported by GetHuman4135552 on السبت ٢١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٢٣:٣٢
I just got home from the market and started to put away groceries when I noticed something wrong with the Ritz Handi Snacks I bought for my grandson, who has allergies. One of the Handi Snacks was opened and crackers were falling out, which is concerning for his safety. I would like to kindly request a coupon for a future purchase to make up for this issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance. - Michele Fox
Reported by GetHuman-foxys on الأحد ٢٢ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٢٩
As a retired chemist with 44 years of experience in the adhesive industry, I've noticed a consistent issue with the hot melt adhesive used on Ritz crackers. On three separate occasions, I purchased boxes from two locations in two different package sizes, and each time, the adhesive failed. It appears that a recent change in the adhesive may have been made to save costs, but the impact has been detrimental. The loose flaps on the boxes compromise their integrity, leading to crushing and affecting the overall quality of the product. By using a higher quality adhesive and less of it, the company could enhance the customer experience and prevent the crackers from crumbling due to packaging issues. This problem did not exist a decade ago, and it raises questions about the changes in manufacturing processes over time.
Reported by GetHuman4143761 on الإثنين ٢٣ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٩:٥٥
I don't really have a problem, just a question. Despite your many years in business, I wonder why your company hasn't come up with a better way to package saltine crackers. I am 64 years old and have always struggled to open these delicious crackers. It seems like it shouldn't be so difficult to design a package that can be easily opened and closed. Just a thought.
Reported by GetHuman-peggisui on الثلاثاء ٢٤ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٩:٥٦
I am a long-time fan of Nabisco products, especially Oreos, since childhood. I have an idea that I believe could boost sales for Nabisco - introducing chocolate-covered Oreos. Recently, my girlfriend made me a batch of them and they were amazing. I think creating double-stuffed chocolate-covered Oreos would be a hit. I am reaching out to share this suggestion with Nabisco as my girlfriend, who bakes pies, thought it's a fantastic idea. Thank you for considering my proposal and happy holidays to the Nabisco team. 12-25-19. Thank you, Joe Wodzisz Jr.
Reported by GetHuman-joegto on الأربعاء ٢٥ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ١٥:١٨
Hello Nabisco, I wanted to give feedback on your "Organic Wheat Thins - Original". As someone who values organic foods, I was disappointed with the product. The crackers were too thin, overcooked, and lacked flavor. My family, who are avid Nabisco fans and frequent Wheat Thins buyers, were also unimpressed. We bought the 40-ounce box with the bar code 0 44[redacted]8 9, with a date on the box showing 23JUN20BC23 [redacted] 20:05. I fear that sales may decline due to these issues, so I felt compelled to share my experience. No need to call me back, I just wanted to inform you. Regards, BR
Reported by GetHuman4171598 on الإثنين ٣٠ ديسمبر ٢٠١٩ ٠٦:١٠
Hello, I just wanted to express how much my family enjoys Nabisco frosted bite-sized shredded wheat cereal. However, since discovering I have diabetes, we are transitioning to using substitutes for sugar. I wonder why you don't offer a "sweetened with Splenda" option for the many others in my situation. While I can add Splenda to my bowl myself, I believe there is a missed opportunity for a marketable product as more people focus on healthier eating habits. Thank you for considering my suggestion. Margie N.
Reported by GetHuman4227080 on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:٤٩
I'm looking for Mallomars in the Sebring/Avon Park, Florida area. Currently, the only store with 3 boxes is the Walmart in Wauchula, which is an hour away. I would love to be able to purchase half a dozen boxes at once. Local Walmart managers say they cannot control the products in their stores. Any advice would be appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-dellafig on الخميس ٩ يناير ٢٠٢٠ ١٩:٣١
I recently purchased a package of fun-size Baby Ruth bars and was disappointed to find that 9 of the bars were missing peanuts. This was a first for me in the 55 years I have been enjoying Baby Ruth bars. Whenever I crave a candy bar, Baby Ruth has always been my top choice. I was surprised that the quality control let this error happen. The best by date on the package is Jan2020 with numbers [redacted]83V. I hope this information helps. Please feel free to reach out if you need more details. Thank you for looking into this matter. Best regards, James R Greene.
Reported by GetHuman4318701 on الأحد ٢ فبراير ٢٠٢٠ ٠١:٤٢
I recently visited the Oreo kiosk at Walmart in Blairsville, PA, where the attendant kindly gave my child some merchandise. However, I was concerned when I realized she had taken a photo of my child on her cell phone without my consent. I would like clarification on why this photo was taken and what it is being used for. It would be greatly appreciated if the photo could be deleted. Moving forward, I believe it's crucial for parents to be informed if someone is taking pictures of their children, particularly given the current circumstances in [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman4343001 on الأحد ٩ فبراير ٢٠٢٠ ٠٨:٤٨
Today, I purchased 4 packets of Oreos, 1 Mega Stuf and 3 Double Stuf. Oreos are a family favorite in our house, and we buy them every week. Unfortunately, when my daughter opened one of the packages today, the cookies were all smashed, and another package was missing cookies altogether. This is very upsetting because we spend a significant amount on Oreos. Due to store policies related to Covid-19, I can't return food items like these, so I am at a loss. I don't usually like to complain, but this time it's different. I've been stocking up on Oreos for my son's birthday on April 23, and now I'll have to spend even more money to replace the missing cookies. It's frustrating because the package was sealed, so I didn't expect this kind of problem. Times are tough financially, so situations like this impact our budget more than usual.
Reported by GetHuman4612973 on الخميس ٩ أبريل ٢٠٢٠ ١٨:٥٣
I recently bought your product, Ritz Crackers’ N Cheesy Dip, but was disappointed to find the cheese too hard to eat. Out of the 6 I bought, I could only eat 1. I've been a long-time fan and never faced this issue before. On the same day, I got Oreo sticks & dip, which were fine. The attached photo shows the 6 uneaten ones. It's challenging to exchange items during the pandemic. I have pictures and the receipt for proof, but can't upload it here. I hope this won't happen again in the future. Thank you. - A
Reported by GetHuman4671779 on السبت ١٨ أبريل ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:١٤
Good morning, I am having trouble finding "The Most Stuf Oreo Cookies" that have been a favorite during our time in quarantine. Stockpiling ensured we had a good supply, but now they're gone. Attempting to buy them on Amazon showed extreme price increases, making them unattainable. If you could point me in the direction of where to purchase them, it would be greatly appreciated. I reside in New Jersey and eagerly anticipate your response. Your cookies have made our family time during these challenges much more enjoyable. Thank you, Debbie A.-C.
Reported by GetHuman-archerdg on الأربعاء ٣ يونيو ٢٠٢٠ ١٢:٢٤

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