Customer Service Issues

Archive 12

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #12. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 7, 2021 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I previously contacted you about Meetup, but I made a mistake with the email address provided. The correct email address is actually [redacted] I appreciate your understanding! Kindly disregard the previous incorrect email information. I will update you once I have a new email address. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman6887177 on Selasa, 7 Disember 2021 pukul 23.46
I did not authorize the $5.00 charge on my credit card. The Meet Up representative claims she did not charge my card and has no access to it. I believe I am a victim of identity fraud. I have already paid the statement and talked to Jenna tonight in person to discuss how she obtained my credit card info. She stated she does not have it and cannot explain how this occurred. I do not approve of charging my credit card without permission. How did you receive this information? Last year, I paid Jenna in cash for my renewal. I am not pleased. Do not sell my email account information or share it with third-party entities. I am baffled as to who allowed you to charge my credit card and how you obtained the details. Jenna insists she is not involved. Do not share my email address. This situation is rather shady. Please refund my $5.00 promptly. This is unacceptable. Please remove my credit card from your system. You do not have the right to charge my card. Do not sell my information. This is very concerning. Can you rectify this?
Reported by GetHuman-kellykbr on Khamis, 9 Disember 2021 pukul 03.28
This is an urgent matter! I urgently need to contact the top management of My wife and I planned to launch a wellness company and created a meetup group to test the idea. With dedication, my wife grew the group to over [redacted] satisfied members over nearly a year. Due to family priorities during a lockdown and my mother-in-law's surgery, she missed some payments on the group while her bank account was being renewed. Upon returning to our country, we discovered that my wife was no longer the organizer, replaced by someone ignoring our attempts at communication. We are adamant about regaining control of the group to continue our company's formation. We have sought legal advice and are prepared to take action to reclaim what my wife built. must intervene promptly to address this violation and restore my wife as the rightful organizer.
Reported by GetHuman6892727 on Khamis, 9 Disember 2021 pukul 11.09
I recently attended a MeetUp by Washington, DC History and Culture led by Robert Kelleman. The presentation focused on art at the Whitney Museum in New York. I found the presentation overly long and repetitive, especially as Mr. Kelleman fixated on a painting by Thomas Hart Benton featuring actress Jessica Tandy in a controversial manner. He continuously asked for opinions on the depiction, which I found unsettling. After politely sharing my feedback with Mr. Kelleman, he replied by suggesting I have a mental illness and included a link on the topic. This response was extremely inappropriate and unprofessional. Mr. Kelleman's assumptions about my mental state were unwarranted and hurtful.
Reported by GetHuman6927770 on Sabtu, 18 Disember 2021 pukul 19.48
I haven't used my account in almost a year, and I wasn't aware the subscription was still active. I don't recall signing up for $[redacted] recurring payments. I need an immediate refund as the payment is linked to someone else's credit card. I cannot find the payment details on my "pro" dashboard or any account screens. There seems to be no trace of the subscription. I have a bank transaction record from December 6th for $[redacted] that I need refunded urgently. Please remove the payment method and cancel the subscription. For further details, please contact me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman6945325 on Khamis, 23 Disember 2021 pukul 16.54
I am receiving an excessive amount of emails and I am struggling to find a way to stop them. I have followed the steps provided online which instruct me to click on my profile image, then the three dots for managing notifications. However, when I select the three dots, I do not see any option to manage notifications as described. I have attempted this multiple times. I also tried clicking on the three lines on the left, which usually opens the menu bar, and found a notifications section, but there is no clear option to stop receiving emails. I have tried this on both my android phone and computer, but I cannot seem to find a direct way to stop these emails. I briefly considered deactivating my account, but that seems extreme as I only wish to halt the emails temporarily. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-judysnot on Khamis, 23 Disember 2021 pukul 23.19
I would like to request the removal of my name from a Zoom conversation thread with a person named Louis. Recently, multiple individuals have been reaching out for conversations. Louis, in particular, expressed interest in dating and requested my phone number. I hesitated to share my number but inadvertently disclosed my name when sending the Zoom link. Louis has since blocked me from further communication. I worry about the information he might possess and wish to eliminate the conversation containing my name. How can I prevent these men from contacting me? Should I consider leaving the Meetup group?
Reported by GetHuman6965997 on Khamis, 30 Disember 2021 pukul 02.36
I am a member of the Long White Cloud Qigong group in Seattle. I believed I had canceled my Meetup subscription in September ****, but it unexpectedly renewed for a year in October. Meetup did not send me any emails about the renewal or a receipt for the charge. I am an active user of the app and site and did not see any notifications. I have checked my emails thoroughly and found no communication from Meetup regarding this renewal. I would have promptly canceled the subscription within the 30-day period if I had been informed. Due to COVID restrictions, our group cannot meet, rendering the subscription useless. Being charged for a full year without prior notice or a payment receipt afterward feels misleading. To resolve this situation fairly, I believe Meetup should refund part of the subscription fee from January to the original expiration in October (10 out of 12 months).
Reported by GetHuman-cantogs on Isnin, 3 Januari 2022 pukul 08.24
Hello, I have been struggling to access my account for over a week now. Despite changing my password, whenever I try to continue on Facebook after a meetup, I receive an error message telling me to try again later. This has been ongoing for at least 8 days, at all hours. Since I depend on Meetup for social interactions due to my disability, there seems to be an underlying issue. Could you please investigate and resolve this matter for me? I appreciate your assistance as this has caused me to cancel some engagements in November and December due to health reasons. I typically secure event bookings early, and if unable to attend, I always inform the group. Kindly update me on the situation. Thank you, Parminder C. 🙏🏽
Reported by GetHuman-pammykam on Jumaat, 7 Januari 2022 pukul 00.10
I have been a member of multiple Meetup groups for years. Recently, I have noticed that I am not receiving email notifications promptly when events are posted, causing me to miss out on participating. Despite having checked my notification settings for each group and confirming that email notifications are enabled, the issue persists. I do not utilize the Meetup phone app for push notifications due to data limitations on my pay-as-you-go phone plan and prefer to receive notifications via email as I have in the past. The support I have encountered only directs me to information stating that having push notifications enabled may impact email notifications, which is not the case for me. I believe there may be a technical problem that Meetup should address. I kindly request assistance via email with a designated contact person until this matter is resolved.
Reported by GetHuman-ktorpie on Sabtu, 8 Januari 2022 pukul 19.33
Hello, my name is Dar Debrecen. I've been managing a Yoga and Meditation group on Meetup called Mindfulness Nanaimo. Recently, I received a bill for $[redacted] USD for the next 6 months of service. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to utilize the platform or organize group activities since mid-November due to Covid-19 restrictions. I attempted an online session, but it was not successful. With the current lockdown and uncertainty surrounding group gatherings, I kindly request a partial refund or an extension on the subscription period. As I volunteer to run the group and work part-time due to long-term effects of Covid-19, my financial resources are limited. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-dareauvw on Selasa, 18 Januari 2022 pukul 20.31
Dear Support Team, I am frustrated by an issue I'm facing with the member tracking for my club, The Shorter the Better. When I contact members, the attendance information seems incorrect. Some members are listed as having visited weeks ago, instead of months ago. Even individuals I removed from the list months ago reappear as inactive members, causing confusion and frustration. I am seeking clarity on why these inaccuracies occur and how to ensure the member and visit records are correct. Maintaining accurate records is vital for club management and member engagement. Your assistance in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Rosaura
Reported by GetHuman-veleta on Sabtu, 22 Januari 2022 pukul 10.21
Subject: Disappointed with Meetup's Customer Service I have had a frustrating experience trying to contact Meetup for assistance. The lack of traditional contact methods like phone, chat, or email is unprofessional. Their automated responses seem designed to only profit from users. For instance, I paid to host a small Palm Springs Bitcoin Meetup group, only to find minimal attendance and nonexistent previous leaders. Despite reaching out about a larger Palm Springs Meetup group, I received no response. Contacting "Just Ask," listed as their partner, was unhelpful. If Meetup doesn't address these issues, I may need to share my negative experiences as an attorney of 40 years. While their concept is commendable, their current execution appears to prioritize profit over user experience. I hope Meetup takes these comments seriously and improves their services.
Reported by GetHuman7079263 on Selasa, 1 Februari 2022 pukul 02.44
Good afternoon, In January, we updated the credit card on our MeetUp page and immediately paid for a 6-month subscription. However, we noticed that the payment was also taken from our old credit card, which was not supposed to happen. It seems like we were charged twice for the month of January. We would appreciate compensation for January and would like the funds refunded to our old credit card [redacted]. The new credit card ending in [redacted] is the correct one linked to our account for future payments. We kindly request a refund to the old card as it is no longer associated with the MeetUp account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-vklaasse on Khamis, 24 Februari 2022 pukul 13.38
My Meetup account under Tony Pope with a profile picture of me in a white hat and black hoodie jacket on a boat deck has been altered. It no longer displays the groups I am a part of, my bio, or the events I have signed up for. The section below my picture shows I joined in [redacted] and have attended 7 events. Although I still receive emails, I am unable to join any groups or events. I may have to create a new account, but I prefer to keep my current one with all my information and pictures intact. I have upcoming events to attend that I am now seemingly not part of. I am unsure why this sudden change occurred, as I regularly check my Meetup account and today everything vanished. I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue.
Reported by GetHuman7198740 on Rabu, 9 Mac 2022 pukul 17.21
I am Melissa Waite Stamps, the organizer of the Psychic Development and Spirit Contact meetup group for the past 8 years. Recently, I was informed that I had stepped down as the moderator, but I want to clarify that I have not done so. I mistakenly deleted my old website and email linked to the meetup page a few weeks ago. My current email is [redacted], and I am eager to regain control of my page. I was surprised to hear about someone else potentially taking over as moderator without my knowledge. I would appreciate a prompt response regarding this matter to ensure the continued smooth operation of the group. Thank you, Melissa Waite Stamps. [redacted]. (former email: [redacted])
Reported by GetHuman7203344 on Khamis, 10 Mac 2022 pukul 20.14
I am having trouble accessing my account because the email address and URL I used are no longer valid. I need Meetup's assistance to create a new email address to regain access to my account. My name is Melissa Waite Stamps, and I have run a Meetup group called "Psychic Development and Spirit Contact" for several years. I recently received a message that I have stepped down as the moderator, which is not the case. I accidentally deleted my old website and email associated with the group. My current email is MoonG*****@***.com, and I urgently need help to recover my page and ensure I remain the moderator. Please reach out to me promptly regarding this matter. Thank you, Melissa Waite Stamps.
Reported by GetHuman7203344 on Khamis, 10 Mac 2022 pukul 21.29
Our retiring director, who informed a staff member about the Meetup account renewal, used the company's MasterCard to renew it on January 5, [redacted]. Surprisingly, the account was set for auto-renewal in February, resulting in an additional charge on February 26 on Linda Marston-Reid's Visa card. We wish to request a refund for the February charge on Linda Marston-Reid's card. In addition, upon investigation, it was discovered that our former director, Linda Marston-Reid, had designated our staff member, Sylvia Diaz, as the new Organizer of the Poughkeepsie Arts and Community Action Meetup page. Could you assist us in removing Linda Marston-Reid as an organizer of the group? I possess copies of both charges and the email confirming Sylvia Diaz's nomination. Kindly advise on the next steps. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-lifiores on Rabu, 16 Mac 2022 pukul 16.05
Dear Legal Representative, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out regarding my Meetup account and the recent communication I received from Customer Support advising me to contact you. I regret attempting to reach out to Meetup employees through unauthorized channels and now understand the error in my actions, prompted by the block on my account. The letter from Customer Service mentioned concerns about the promotion of events that could incite illegal or violent activities without specifying any particular event. I want to clarify that such behavior does not align with my values as I strive to uphold peaceful and lawful conduct. There has been an unsettling solicitation from an individual claiming affiliation with Meetup demanding $[redacted] for the restoration of my account. To my knowledge, no formal notice of policy violation was issued by Meetup. Considering the significance of my Meetup account in connecting with local community members, especially given my disability, I am eager to address these issues promptly. I kindly request clarity on the alleged event promotion and potentially restoring my account, enabling me to engage in local social clubs and events. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response. Warm regards, J.O.
Reported by GetHuman-jesseogl on Khamis, 17 Mac 2022 pukul 18.22
I've had a frustrating experience today while trying to edit the details of an event for my Newcastle upon Tyne Italian Language Meetup on Thursday, April 14th. Whenever I make a change, it seems to undo another change, making it look unprofessional. The event should be titled "Online [redacted]: Scopriamo l'italiano attraverso una canzone di Marco Mengoni!" where we'll explore the Italian language through a song by Marco Mengoni suggested by Luisa, a friend from Tandem who sent me the video we'll watch together. I hope you enjoy this choice to help you learn more about Italian culture. After the break, if time allows, we'll discuss our recent activities. Sending warm regards, Susanna x.
Reported by GetHuman7322205 on Sabtu, 9 April 2022 pukul 19.45

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