The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #3. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 20, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I want to add descriptions to my pictures as I used to. However, a large banner ad at the bottom of the page is blocking the link to complete the action, causing me frustration. I can only add a title as the link is just above the ad. The placement of the ad has made it difficult to perform several actions, and it needs to be moved. I have screenshots showing my frustrations but no way to send them. Please address this issue.
Reported by GetHuman4130001 on viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2019 20:28
My name is Jason Wall, and I attended Birmingham High School in Van Nuys, CA. I have been working for months to resolve this issue. Someone has created an account in my name and is posting alarming information. I need it shut down right away because it's not me. Please stop this immediately. The individual is making rude comments to others, which is distressing. This is the second time I'm asking for help with this. If it's not resolved this week, I will seek legal assistance after the new year. You can contact me at [redacted] or [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-jasonmwa on domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2019 10:13
I ordered a customized Classmate notebook on 12/18/19 and was informed it would arrive within a week. However, it is now 12/25 and I haven't received it or any updates. When I check my orders, it still shows as processing. The message I received stated: "Hi Pranamya! Your order [redacted] of Classmate Personalized Notebooks is approved and will ship within a week. Track your status on My Orders."
Reported by GetHuman-pranamya on miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2019 12:40
Hi there, I recently noticed a charge on my credit card statement from [redacted] for joining a classmates group, something I never did. To my surprise, I saw the same charge again in [redacted]. I take great care in safeguarding my credit card information, so this is concerning. I recall speaking to a representative who refunded me for [redacted], but I never authorized the charge from [redacted]. It would be greatly appreciated if you could refund both years. Thank you and happy holidays.
Reported by GetHuman4154108 on jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2019 16:30
I have been unable to access my messages or any content on Classmates for the past five weeks. Clicking on messages, photos, or anything else doesn't connect. I have been paying for this service and receiving nothing in return for over a month. If this issue cannot be resolved, I would like a refund. I am extremely disappointed, especially since this is not the first time it has occurred. There have been instances where the system is down for a week, but this prolonged period is unacceptable. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4156752 on viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2019 0:24
Hello, I'm Marsha Robert. I canceled this service in September [redacted]. However, in October, I noticed a charge which I was assured would be refunded, but I never received it. I canceled again, and now I see another charge. I need assistance canceling the service and receiving refunds for both instances. Please, help me with this matter promptly. You can reach me at [redacted] or [redacted] (preferably). Thank you in advance, M.Robert.
Reported by GetHuman-mrcobi on lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2019 16:10
I recently noticed a charge on my MasterCard, ending in [redacted], for $64.58 CAD on December 29, [redacted]. Since then, I've changed my address and internet service provider. You can reach me at [redacted] In [redacted], I graduated from Nutana Collegiate Institute. I no longer wish to be affiliated with the website and am seeking a refund on my MasterCard.
George Laverne Campbell
Also known as "Verne" during my high school days
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-vernec on jueves, 2 de enero de 2020 20:13
I have been attempting to cancel a membership that I did not agree to for over a year now. Despite notifying them after the first charge to cancel, I have been unable to access my account to do so. The issue has persisted for more than a year. My name is Kathy Curd, also Katherine S. Curd or Sue Curd, but it would most likely appear as Kathy Curd. My email is [redacted], possibly [redacted] I graduated from Concrete High School in [redacted], from the class of '69-'73. My zip code is [redacted], and the last four digits of the card involved are [redacted]. I am hoping this message will facilitate the cancellation of my unwanted membership. I have never utilized the account and believe I should receive a full refund. Despite immediately informing you of my desire to cancel, no action was taken. I am living on a fixed income and cannot afford payments for a service I have not used.
Reported by GetHuman-scurd on sábado, 4 de enero de 2020 7:57
My condolences on the loss of Robert R. Sewell on August 1, [redacted]. I noticed a $48.00 charge on his credit card on December 25, [redacted], from PCH* at [redacted]WA. As his wife and executor of his will, I am unsure how to access his account to cancel it. I am trying to fulfill his wishes and responsibly close accounts he no longer can use. Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-rrsewell on jueves, 9 de enero de 2020 7:58
I am Matthew Lennartz. Today, I chose to reactivate my account based on the email I received. I opted for a 3-month subscription.
There is an issue during the purchase process where after filling in the necessary details and clicking on "buy now," error messages appear for certain required fields. One field, such as country, is missing from the form.
I kindly request your help in fixing this problem, which I have encountered previously.
Thank you for your prompt assistance.
Matthew Lennartz
Reported by GetHuman4334102 on jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020 14:45
I created a Classmates account for my husband, who never used a computer. We both shared the same email address. Now, I can't access my account, and his account is linked to my email, preventing me from registering again. Sadly, my husband has passed away, and I need to remove his account to use my email. Can you help me delete his account and recover my email address for my use? Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-rose_cra on jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020 18:56
A classmate from San Jose High class of '55, who goes by her maiden name Dianne Wells on, is having trouble adding her name to the "will attend" list for the reunion. Her husband's name is Charles Davis. As a member of the SJH class of '55 reunion committee, I would like to assist in updating her information for the event.
Reported by GetHuman-saitoyu on miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020 22:16
Today, $48.00 was deducted from my account without my authorization. I am on a limited income and cannot afford this unexpected charge. I did not authorize this payment and request an immediate refund. The amount was taken from my Citizen bank account. I had a previous experience with My Life, a company affiliated with Classmates, which turned out to be a scam. After contacting their representative, my account with My Life was closed, and I received a refund. I hope to have a similar resolution in this matter and anticipate a prompt refund. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, D.M.
Reported by GetHuman-dlmacdou on jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020 5:49
About a year ago, I joined through Facebook to possibly order my yearbook. I rarely use the site, but recently noticed they are charging my bank account $18 monthly. I've attempted to cancel my subscription, but logging in fails as my email is apparently "in use." I originally used a Hotmail account which is now Microsoft Outlook. Despite requesting a password reset code that never arrived (even in junk mail), I am unable to access my account. There seems to be no contact number for assistance. As a disabled 65-year-old, paying $18 each month for a service I do not utilize feels excessive. Can someone please assist me in resolving this issue? Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman4411946 on domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020 6:03
Subject: Urgent Removal Request for Unauthorized Photos
Dear Support Team,
I urgently need your assistance in removing unauthorized photos of me on your website. These include images in a bathing suit and with my ex-husband on vacation that I did not authorize. It is distressing to learn that these photos are public, as one of my students saw them after searching my name. I have tried contacting you through calls and emails without any response. Please address this issue promptly. I can provide screenshots of the photos for identification. One photo features me with brown hair in a black swimsuit on the beach, and the other shows me with my wedding ring visible leaning over a man's shoulder. I am now divorced and these pictures must be removed immediately. It seems like they are on the Sheehan High School page, which I find concerning as I did not authorize their publication. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Carrie W.
Reported by GetHuman-wolakcar on domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020 15:22
I recently purchased a re-print of my [redacted] yearbook for $79.95. However, upon receiving it, I was disappointed to find that it was not in the condition I expected. The copy I received had a dirty cover, written-on pages, missing pages, and appeared to be someone else's yearbook. This is not what I paid for and I am incredibly unsatisfied with the product. I have been a loyal customer for several years, but unless this issue is resolved promptly with a refund or a replacement of a clean copy, I will have to cancel my membership. I plan to inform my school community and classmates to refrain from supporting your company until this matter is addressed. Although I realize I could have viewed the yearbook before purchasing, I was unaware of this option at the time. I kindly request a refund of $79.95 or a clean replacement of my yearbook to avoid discontinuing my membership. Please take the necessary steps to rectify this situation.
Reported by GetHuman-sonyagib on lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020 21:19
In [redacted], I submitted a request to cancel my membership/subscription to classmates. I am frustrated that my request seems to have been overlooked. Today, on Tuesday, March 10, [redacted], I noticed an $18.00 debit hold on my bank account, which leads me to believe that my supposedly canceled membership/subscription with PCHClassmates is still active. I am once again asking for the permanent closure of my membership/subscription and a refund to be issued to the bank account you have on file. I also request for all my photos, written descriptions, and personal information to be permanently removed from your site. I have no interest in continuing my membership as I find the site uninteresting and comparable to an overrated gossip platform like Facebook. Please proceed with removing all my details, closing my account, and processing the refund. Thank you. - Michael R. Robinson, Midland MI [redacted], Phone [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman4444212 on martes, 10 de marzo de 2020 14:12
I recently signed up for for $9 after being informed that my profile had received five visits. However, to my disappointment, all visits originated from the same individual. I did not recognize this person, and his continuous visits have left me feeling uncomfortable, as if I'm being cyberstalked. I am requesting a refund and the closure of my account. It would be more transparent if the site indicated visits from different classmates rather than just displaying a total number. A message like "six different classmates have visited your profile since February" would be more accurate. I hope to hear back promptly as this situation has made me uneasy. Sincerely, R. Fletcher
Reported by GetHuman-roxanefl on martes, 10 de marzo de 2020 18:03
I needed to access a specific yearbook for my research, prompting me to create an account on Unfortunately, the yearbook I was searching for does not exist. As a result, I would like to delete my account as I have no use for it. However, I am struggling to find instructions on how to do so on the website or a direct means to contact for assistance. The search incurred a $9 cost, so I would appreciate guidance on how to completely remove my profile. I am also hoping to receive a refund of the $9, despite the company's policy against refunds. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4494388 on jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020 19:41
My name is Carl Allen, and I have been trying to find my friend, Barbara Bedkowski, from Union, NJ High School in [redacted]. After attempting to upgrade my account, somehow it got registered in her name but with my contact details. I managed to update my name and school, but now I seem to have two accounts under the same login. Unfortunately, I can't access the paid account due to this issue. What I really want is to ensure my paid membership is linked to my original account and have the duplicate account removed. A distinguishing feature is that my actual account includes Harding Elementary School along with Ridge High School. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Carl Allen
Reported by GetHuman4550617 on lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020 13:27